Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Monday, July 4, 2011

He's Continually Providing!!

Well, it's been awhile since our last update but there isn't much new to post except to tell you about the Flea Market booth I set up this weekend. Apparently it was a pretty slow weekend for a flea market but the Lord provided us with approximately $575!! Wait till you hear how...We met another family who was also selling bows who was also adopting from Africa - coincidence? Nope, God doesn't deal in coincidences :) They are actually adopting from Uganda and are hoping for a sibling set. Anyway, we talked to them a few times yesterday and today she came to talk to me and give me a beautiful card and $300 for our adoption!! She said that she had been praying that God would show them how to use some of their money that they raised - to whom and how much - and then she met us. Another coincidence? Nope! As one of my good friends put it, "A complete stranger gave you $300?!?!" Yep, they did but they are stranger no more. They are our fellow brother and sister in Christ and are answering his call to bring home orphans and helping others too. They actually make flowers out of recycled clothing and sell them to raise money for their program "Flowers for Orphans." The main thing that stands out for me about this program is that they state that they make flowers out of used, discarded, unwanted clothing just like there are so many children like this. How horrible is that?? But so very true and we as believers are called to care for these children! Anyway, their generous gift totally made the weekend worth it and was obviously the reason the Lord had us there. After this weekend, we realized that we are 1/4 of the way to our goal and haven't even gotten any grants yet!! Praise the Lord!!!

On another note, we have postponed our home study to next Thursday instead of this week. The rest of our furniture will be delivered tomorrow so I would not be able to get the house in order that quickly.

Thank you for your continued prayers! Please also pray for some friends of ours who are adopting as well but may lose their referral. Please pray that the Lord will give them peace and that He will protect this child and allow this child to have a family and not remain an orphan forever. Please pray that they will completely trust in the Lord and not be discouraged by the words and actions of man but that they will remember that the Lord cares for this child even more than they do.

Thanks for reading :)

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